Rent Bentley in Dubai | Hire Bentayga, Continental GTC, Flying Spur in UAE

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Lej Bentley i Dubai

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Pugachev - Udlejning af luksusbiler i Dubai
Baseret på 119 anmeldelser
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amit tog sig af mig du er awesomeman tak
Lambo gjorde virkelig min rejse fantastisk!
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Jonathan E.
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Det er nemt at leje en bil hos os. Du skal bare kontakte os, så vender en af vores agenter hurtigt tilbage til dig for at give dig råd, hjælpe dig med at vælge den perfekte bil og booke den til dine ønskede datoer.

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Du kan efterlade oplysninger på hjemmesiden, og vi vender tilbage til dig så hurtigt som muligt med det mest overkommelige tilbud.

Vi er klar til at besvare spørgsmål på alle tider af døgnet og er altid glade for at kunne hjælpe!

At leje en bil hos os er en utrolig enkel proces. Bare kontakt os, så vil en af vores agenter straks hjælpe dig med rådgivning, udvælgelse af den ideelle bil og booking af den til dine foretrukne datoer.
- Et stort udvalg af køretøjer: Vælg mellem en bred vifte af køretøjstyper, der passer til ethvert behov.
- Kompromisløse sikkerhedsstandarder: Vi overholder de strengeste sikkerhedsbestemmelser.
- Fleksible forsikringsmuligheder: Kør med ro i sindet takket være vores omfattende forsikringspolicer.
- Dokumenteret tilfredshed: Slut dig til tusindvis af tilfredse kunder, der har nydt godt af vores tjenester gennem årene.
- Tilgængelighed 24/7: Vores repræsentanter er altid klar til at hjælpe dig, dag og nat.
- Personlig matchning: Vi udmærker os ved at finde den perfekte bil til dit budget, uanset om du er på udkig efter en familiebil, en luksusbil eller en sportsvogn.
At leje en bil i Dubai giver mange fordele, der kan forbedre din ferie og gøre den mere behagelig og fornøjelig.
-Uforglemmelig oplevelse: Kør en luksus- eller sportsvogn i et par dage, og få en oplevelse som ingen anden.
-Fuldstændig uafhængighed: At have sin egen bil betyder, at man ikke er afhængig af andre under hele ferien.
- Tids- og omkostningseffektivitet: Spar betydelig tid og penge, som ellers ville blive brugt på taxaer, og undgå ulemperne ved ikke at have et køretøj.
- Bekvemmelighed og tilgængelighed: Dubai er velegnet til at køre i bil med masser af parkeringspladser og mange attraktioner tæt på hinanden.

Krav og betingelser

  • Alder: Førerens alder skal være mindst 21 år gammel, for sportsvogne 25 år gammel
  • Kørekort: Beboere i UAE skal fremvise et gyldigt UAE-kørekort. Turister skal have et gyldigt internationalt kørekort, og i nogle tilfælde kan det være nødvendigt med en international køretilladelse (IDP).
  • Pas: Alle lejere skal fremvise et gyldigt pas til identifikationsformål.
  • Visum: Turister skal fremvise et besøgsvisum eller et indrejsestempel. Beboere skal fremvise et UAE-bopælsvisum.

Loven i Dubai henviser til flere situationer afhængigt af typen af ulykke, skaden og den type forsikring, du har købt.

Med CDW Forsikring

Skader, der kan repareres
  • Rød politirapport (Ulykke sker på grund af kundens fejl):
    • Ingen fast selvrisiko på forsikringen. 10% fra de reparationsomkostninger, der skal betales. Ingen betaling for leje af bilen i reparationsperioden.
  • Grøn politirapport (Ulykke sker ikke på grund af kundens skyld):
    • Der skal ikke betales noget.
  • Grøn rapport mod ukendt ansvarlig part (Ulykke sker ikke på grund af kundens fejl, men den skyldige part flygtede):
    • Ingen fast selvrisiko på forsikringen. 10% fra de reparationsomkostninger, der skal betales. Ingen betaling for leje af bilen i reparationsperioden.
  • Ingen politirapport (der sker en ulykke, og der indhentes ikke en politirapport):
    • Bær 100% af reparationsomkostningerne. Ingen lejebetaling i bilens reparationsperiode.
Samlet tab/stjålet
  • Rød politirapport (Ulykke sker på grund af kundens fejl):
    • Ingen fast selvrisiko på forsikringen. 20% fra en bils værdi, der skal betales.
  • Grøn politirapport (Ulykke sker ikke på grund af kundens skyld):
    • Betal en fast selvrisiko på 10.000 AED.
  • Grøn rapport mod ukendt ansvarlig part (Ulykke sker ikke på grund af kundens fejl, men den skyldige part flygtede):
    • Ingen fast selvrisiko på forsikringen. 20% fra de reparationsomkostninger, der skal betales.
  • Ingen politirapport (der sker en ulykke, og der indhentes ikke en politirapport):
    • Kompenserer 100% af bilens forsikringsværdi.

Uden CDW (Basic)

Skader, der kan repareres
  • Rød politirapport (Ulykke sker på grund af kundens fejl):
    • Betal fast forsikringsselvrisiko på 10.000 AED; 20% fra reparationsomkostningerne. Lejebetaling for bilens reparationsperiode.
  • Grøn politirapport (Ulykke sker ikke på grund af kundens skyld):
    • Der skal ikke betales nogen fast eller variabel selvrisiko. Kompenserer kun for det antal udlejningsdage, hvor et køretøj er under reparation.
  • Grøn rapport mod ukendt ansvarlig part (Ulykke sker ikke på grund af kundens fejl, men den skyldige part flygtede):
    • Betal en fast selvrisiko på 10.000 AED. 10% fra reparationsomkostningerne. Kompensér for antallet af udlejningsdage, hvor et køretøj er under reparation.
  • Ingen politirapport (der sker en ulykke, og der indhentes ikke en politirapport):
    • Betal forsikringens selvrisiko på 10.000 AED. Erstat 100% af bilens forsikringsværdi.
Samlet tab/stjålet
  • Rød politirapport (Ulykke sker på grund af kundens fejl):
    • Betal et fast adgangsgebyr på 10.000 AED; 20% fra bilens forsikringsværdi.
  • Grøn politirapport (Ulykke sker ikke på grund af kundens skyld):
    • Betal en fast selvrisiko på 10.000 AED.
  • Grøn rapport mod ukendt ansvarlig part (Ulykke sker ikke på grund af kundens fejl, men den skyldige part flygtede):
    • Betal forsikringens selvrisiko på 10.000 AED; Erstat 100% af bilens forsikringsværdi.
  • Ingen politirapport (der sker en ulykke, og der indhentes ikke en politirapport):
    • Betal en fast selvrisiko på 10.000 AED. Betal 20% fra bilens forsikringsværdi.

Mere information

  • Skader på dæk, fælge og forruder dækkes ikke af nogen forsikring.
  • Oversvømmelsesbilen er ikke dækket af nogen forsikring. Kunden er ansvarlig for at betale for 100% reparationsomkostninger mod fakturaen.
  • For førere under 25 år, uanset forsikringstype, skal der betales yderligere 10% i reparationsomkostninger i tilfælde af en ulykke.
  • Kørsel, rygning, ørkenkørsel, hastighedsoverskridelser og andre forbudte aktiviteter er underlagt afgifter i henhold til lejeaftalen uanset forsikringstype.
  • Forsikringstypen skal specificeres, før udlejningen starter. CDW skal betales forud for hele lejeperioden.

Kære chauffør, det er vigtigt at kende reglerne for kørsel i Dubai for at undgå besværligheder.

⏲️ Hastighedsoverskridelser

Hvis du planlægger at tage til Abu Dhabi, gælder + 20 km for hastighedsgrænsen ikke, så vær forsigtig!
1500-3000 AED

📱 Telefon under kørsel

Telefonen bag rattet, eller rettere over rattet, optages også af kameraer
800 AED

🔀 Skarpe vognbaneskift uden at dreje

Racerløb får også bøder - op til 100.000 AED
400 AED

⏲️ Kører for hurtigt ud af byen

Hvis du kører et sted uden for byen og vil køre hurtigere uden kameraer, skal du også være forsigtig, der er skjult politi uden identifikationsmærker, de tager bilen til en parkeringsplads.
1500-3000 AED + parkeringsbøde + gebyr for kranvogn

Yderligere betalinger

🛣️ Kilometerbegrænsninger

Daglig leje: den daglige grænse er 250 km, dvs. i to dage viser det sig at være 500 km osv. Hvis grænsen overskrides: for hver ekstra km AED 10/km. For biler som Chevrolet Tahoe og Cadillac Escalade er den daglige grænse 300 km.
12 timers leje - 150 km | ugentlig leje - 1500 km | månedlig leje - 4000 km
15 AED / ekstra kilometer

🚭 Rygning i biler

1500 AED

🅿️ Betalte parkeringspladser (fra 2 AED afhængigt af området)

Kan betales via app (DUBAI DRIVE), kontantbetalingsstationer eller ved at sende en SMS til telefonnummeret 7275 med beskeden: BILNUMMER*ZONENUMMER*ANTAL TIMER (for eksempel: 12345*678*2) manglende betaling vil resultere i en bøde
150 AED + 20 AED statslig betaling + 80 AED provision

⛽ Betaling for brændstof og Salik (betalingsveje)

Hvis du afleverer en bil uden fuld tank
250 AED for en halv tank | 500 AED for en tom tank

🏁 Racing tracking, off-roading, drifting, kørsel i ørken/begrænsede områder er forbudt.

20.000 AED + omkostninger til reparationer

Det er ikke nødvendigt at betale et depositum, men på lejetidspunktet erklærer du, at du i tilfælde af skader eller bøder forpligter dig til at betale som beskrevet ovenfor. Alle bøder betales i henhold til formlen: bødebeløbet + 20 AED gebyrbetaling + 80 AED provision. Alle bøder betales i henhold til formlen: bødebeløb + 20 AED statsbetaling + 80 AED virksomhedskommission


Du skal aflevere køretøjet med samme brændstofniveau som på leveringstidspunktet.

Manglende overholdelse af denne regel kan resultere i et kompensationsgebyr på op til 800 AED.

Alle gebyrer skal betales før eller ved tilbagelevering af bilen.

250 AED for en halv tank | 500 AED for en tom tank

Bentley rental in Dubai

Rent a Bentley in Dubai, UAE, and experience absolute British luxury on the marble-paved streets of this cosmopolitan oasis. offers an unrivaled collection of Bentley cars, each testifying to the unrelenting spirit of this brand in craftsmanship, refinement, and prestige. From sedans perfect for grand arrivals to SUVs great for family travel in style and luxury, there is a Bentley to suit every preference and requirement of a client with fine taste.

Options for Bentley car rental Dubai cater to the most sophisticated tastes. Continental GT and Flying Spur have shockingly combined phenomenal performance and class and would thus be considered by anyone looking out for pure luxury at its best in a sleek package. The Bentley Bentayga SUV offers plenty of room for passengers and luggage without being limited in its trademark opulence and advanced features.

Enjoy competitive daily rates and get even more attractive prices in case the rental period is longer. Flexible rental options give you a possibility to choose such rental duration that perfectly meets the time spent in the city, depending on whether you are traveling on business for a few days or having a long vacation. Above all, the car rent comes with basic insurance and includes 250 km per day, with the possibility to extend the extra kilometers for only AED 15 each. This truly gives you limitless exploration of Dubai and beyond.

For the payment process, it has been designed to be as convenient as possible by providing an option between cash, credit/debit cards, and even cryptocurrency. This flexibility ensures securing your dream Bentley is as effortless as the car’s legendary smooth ride.

Sliding down Sheikh Zayed Road, arriving in style to some world-class event in Dubai Marina, or going for that ultra-luxurious coastal cruise-your Bentley rental will make sure you do it all with elegance and grace unparalleled. 

Renting a Bentley in Dubai is about more than taking you from point A to B; it is about elevating your entire Dubai experience to unprecedented heights of luxury. It’s about experiencing the essence of this ambitious city from behind the wheel of a car that epitomizes the very pinnacle of automotive excellence. 

Lej Bentley i Dubai, UAE, and experience the height of British automotive indulgence. 

Benefits of Bentley Car Rental in Dubai

These are the reasons why clients who are the most selective will have nothing to complain about with a Bentley rental in Dubai. Travel in world-class comfort and cut-edge technology with peerless refinement across the Bentley range. The legendary hand-crafted interiors combined with powerful engines make for an outstanding combination of luxury and performance for any drive, perfect for traversing the wide array of landscapes Dubai has to offer-from urban boulevards to desert highways. Excellence is Bentley’s assurance for a hassle-free rental period spent enjoying Dubai’s most luxurious attractions.

We provide flexible rental terms, and liberal 250 km mileage allowance. Seamless booking requires no deposit in itself, while the elite clientele will find it convenient to choose among different payment options, including cryptocurrency. Comprehensive insurance is provided for complete peace of mind during your sojourn in Dubai.

Most wanted Bentley car models for rent in Dubai

Den Bentley Continental GT og Flying Spur are the most popular choices of many who want ultimate luxury cars but with scintillating performance. These models provide just the perfect mix of power, comfort, and technology a car may offer to enter Dubai’s most exclusive venues in style or take long-distance journeys with supreme comfort.

Den Bentley Bentayga SUV offers ample space for passengers and luggage to accommodate those who seek practicality, not at the expense of luxury. This noble car is perfect for family outings, shopping sprees, or sightseeing at various landscapes Dubai has to offer. The Bentayga offers an imperious elevation of the road and an interior which redefines SUV luxury. 

Den Bentley Flying Spur is sure to please any connoisseur of classic luxury, while Bentley Continental GT Convertible offers the motoring enthusiast the opportunity for open-top motoring at its best.

Bentley Rentals Deals and Offers in Dubai creates bespoke and tailor-made rental packages for Bentley to accommodate different requirements and lengths of time. Daily rates denote the prime quality of these cars, while amazing offers can be enjoyed in a week and a month. This graduated pricing system makes Bentley rentals available for everything from short luxury breaks to extended stays in Dubai.

Long-term rentals have preferential rates, while monthly rentals are outstanding value. These long-term options will suit the needs of well-heeled business travelers on serious assignments and visitors seeking to explore the UAE in incomparable style.

Alle Bentley rentals have a daily generous mileage allowance, typically around 250 kilometers, affording ample opportunities to see Dubai and its environs. If one is planning even grander journeys, additional kilometers can be arranged at preferential rates.

No deposit required, full insurance, and flexible payments make renting a Bentley in Dubai smooth and very attractive. Whether one is coming to Dubai on business or for pleasure, a Bentley rental from Mayor’s Luxury Car Rentals will ensure that transport in Dubai is as extraordinary and prestigious as the city itself.

Udlejning af luksusbiler i Dubai

You may also love another super luxury car brands such as Rolls Royce with top models Cullinan, Ghost, Wraith and Maserati Levante. Our fleet also includes affordable family cars such as Mini, Nissan og Mazda. Try also most interesting electric cars and hybrids.

Why rent a Bentley in Dubai?

You would want to hire a Bentley in Dubai for the unparalleled opportunity to feel the luxury, prestige, and excellence of the automobile.  The iconic designs from Bentley blend with its unbeatable reputation in perfect harmony with Dubai’s ethos of luxury, making it possible to create an unforgettable impression wherever you arrive.

Whether it is arriving at high-profile events in style, seeing the world-class attractions of the city, or embarking on a luxury road trip to neighboring emirates, a rental Bentley promises an incomparable driving experience that embodies Dubai’s benchmark of ultimate luxury and sophistication.

Which type of Bentley are available for car rent in Dubai?

For those seeking the ultimate in sedan luxury, the legendary Continental GT and Flying Spur could not offer a greater combination of power, comfort, and technology to know just how to make an entrance-or take you on even the farthest journeys in supreme comfort.

The Bentayga SUV, if one wants versatility without compromising on luxury, provides generous space and a commanding road presence that is perfect for family excursions or traveling as part of a group in utmost style.

The stately Spur is an option of refined taste for the lover of classic luxury, while for those who love open-top motoring, Bentley Continental GT Convertible assures an unforgettable experience. Every Bentley in the rental fleet is thoroughly well-maintained, with bespoke features to make this an experience of a lifetime, whatever your choice may be.

How much does it cost to rent a Bentley in Dubai?

The Bentley rental prices in Dubai reflect the exceptional quality of these cars and might further vary according to model and period of renting. Daily rates start from about $1,000 to $1,500 for models like Continental GT or Flying Spur.

The rentals done on a monthly basis have up to 20-25% savings. Prices normally include comprehensive insurance as well as a liberal daily allowance of mileage of approximately 250-300 kms. Note that special deals might be there subject to season and other promotional offers. The reader is, therefore, encouraged to log onto for the latest deals on Bentley rentals for extended stays or special occasions in Dubai.

What are some tips on navigating Dubai?

With the right mindset, your Bentley car rental can prove to be a truly luxurious and hassle-free experience in Dubai. Orient yourself with major roads in town, like Sheikh Zayed Road, that is very long and cuts through Dubai. Get familiar with the complex integrated navigation system of your Bentley-that keeps up with Dubai’s ever-changing road patterns.

To complement this, make use of popular navigation tools like Google Maps or Waze, which give real-time traffic updates and alternative routes. Note that peak traffic hours fall between 7 and 9 am, and 5 to 8 pm on weekdays; it is best to plan journeys around these hours to ensure a serene experience. Understand Dubai’s toll gate system known as Salik.

Your rental Bentley may already be fitted with a Salik tag, but do confirm with When parking, be aware that color-coded curbs indicate different zones and times for parking, although at most upscale destinations, there is valet parking available. The roads in Dubai are ultra-clean but are sometimes sprinkled with sand, especially on the outskirts of the city or during its occasional dust storms.

And finally, get informed about the local driving etiquette and regulations, so that your riding experience in Dubai can be as smooth and pleasant as Bentley itself.

What does the quote include?

Renting a Bentley with Dubai’s premier luxury car rentals, Mayor’s luxury car rentals includes a range of high-end inclusions that will create a driving experience like no other. Comprehensive insurance cover is always provided, which means traveling around can be done without a care in the world.

A daily allowance of 250 kilometers is usually on offer, enabling ample freedom to travel around Dubai and surroundings in ultimate style. The high renting fee is considering meticulous maintenance and servicing that keeps your Bentley in the best condition. Round-the-clock concierge and roadside assistance come hand in hand in an instant, just in case any situation arises.

This luxury Bentley comes with an in-state GPS navigation system right within its opulent interior. While insurance comes with the rental, you might want to get further insurance as an option for extra security. 

Why rent Bentley from the Mayor’s luxury car rentals?

Renting a Bentley with Mayor’s luxury car rentals in Dubai comes with a host of exclusive privileges. The company maintains its Bentley models at the highest standards and regularly updates them to make sure you are experiencing nothing but the latest when it comes to automotive luxury and innovation. The booking process is really tailored for the discerning client, and with no-deposit policies in place, it’s pretty streamlined in order to secure your model of choice.

These range from daily to monthly rentals, taking care of everything from special occasions to extended luxury stays. Prices, though reflective of the prestige that goes with the Bentley brand name, can be quite exceptional for long-term rentals. 

Is there delivery for the car?

Mayor’s Luxury Car Rentals in Dubai offers bespoke delivery services to its Bentley fleet to add an extra touch of sophistication to your rental experience. This white-glove service is extended to a number of locations throughout Dubai, including five-star hotels, private homes, and VIP terminals at Dubai International Airport.

The delivery option means you can start your Bentley journey without necessarily having to visit a rental office-it saves you precious time and is utterly convenient, especially after long-haul flights. Although this premium service of delivery is widely available, it may indeed include an extra charge depending on the specific location and/or particular time requirements.

With delivery, a highly trained representative of the Mayor will meet you at a location of your choice, hand over the keys in a ceremonial fashion, and give an extensive tour of the vessel that is the motorcar, explaining how everything works. In many cases, this is complemented by the ability to have the car collected discreetly at the end of your rental period, thereby completing a truly seamless, door-to-door Dubai luxury car rental experience, suitable for the prestige attached to the Bentley brand.

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AED 1,760 - AED 4,060

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